Top Fives Sees 149% Increase in Views with Optimized Ideation Workflow

increase in views
rise in RPM
higher day 7 CTR
Improving performance and creating new ideas for frequent video uploads
Educational Creator Top Fives has been successful publishing informative, original content, which they produce in their Vancouver studio. Because they publish new content every weekday, they were looking for a way to develop new ideas, save time, and deliver better video performance.
A new way to ideate: Incorporating Spotter Studio into their workflow
Top Fives incorporated Brainstorm features into their workflow as an “ideation partner” that “thinks differently,” helping them come up with new ideas and work more efficiently. This feature helps Creators brainstorm video concepts and title ideas that can save significant time and lead to better video performance.
Joshua Baker, who manages the channel, went into the Outliers feature weekly to track, research, and save top-performing videos from channels his audience also watches and across YouTube and then refined the ideas in Brainstorm. He then presented the ideas to his team to continue development. The selected ideas were the starting point from which the team further developed the concepts when creating the videos.
Improved views, RPM, and CTR for videos using Spotter Studio
For videos using Spotter Studio, Top Fives saw the following results compared to videos that did not use Spotter Studio:
Top Fives consistently develops more compelling video concepts and optimized titles, driving improvements in their ideation process.