Ready to find your next hit?
Try for free

Refer a friend, get rewarded.

$100 for you, $100 for them. Refer friends with your unique link. Earn up to $500.
Sign up to REFER Friends
Eligibility requirements apply. See Terms & Conditions.

Here’s how it works

Share your referral link with friends

Send your unique referral link to a friend who doesn’t have Spotter Studio.

Your friend becomes a member

They join and connect their YouTube channel.

You both get rewarded

You and your friend will each enjoy a $100 account credit.


  • How many people can I refer to Spotter Studio?

    You can refer as many friends as you’d like but you can only be credited up to $500 (5 monthly or annual referrals) of referral credits in one year.

  • When will the $100 credit apply to my account?

    Once your friend creates an account and redeems their free trial a $100 credit will be applied to your account.

  • I don’t see how many of my friends have redeemed an account?

    You will be able to see this information in your dashboard that you can find here.

  • I’ve had five friends redeem my referral link. Can I still earn more credit?

    You can earn additional referral credits starting one year after your first referral credit was redeemed.

  • How does the program work?

    Here’s how it works

    Share Spotter Studio with friends
    Send your personal referral link to a friend who doesn’t have Spotter Studio. You can refer up to 5 friends.

    Your friend becomes a member
    They join and connect their YouTube channel.

    You both get rewarded
    You and your friend will each enjoy a $100 account credit.


Your next hit video is one Brainstorm away