System Zee Brainstorms His Way To First Holiday Vacation

increase in revenue per video
increase in views per video
increase in subscriber growth per video
Create with more efficiencyAustin Houston’s gaming channel, SystemZee, has expanded from Minecraft modding alone to involving viewers more in big-player experiences, experiments, and simulation. In the process, managing his time and working efficiently has become all the more important.
Austin began using a Spotter Studio feature called Brainstorm, designed to come up with video concepts, video titles, and thumbnails from start to finish. He successfully developed new ideas and turned them into engaging content, resulting in significant increases in viewership. It also afforded him the opportunity to plan ahead and take time off. The combination of Austin’s YouTube expertise paired with personalized video titles, thumbnails, and concepts empowered him to create better videos that resonate with his audience.
For videos that used Spotter Studio, Austin saw a 5.4x increase in revenue per video, a 3x increase in views per video, and a 3.6x increase in subscriber growth per video, compared to his videos without Spotter Studio. He was also able to increase his upload cadence by 2.7 videos per month since onboarding to Spotter Studio, and the series he created using Idea Generator became his flagship series.
In his first video inspired by Idea Generator, Austin explored the theme of AI versus humanity by pitting Minecraft villagers against players. This video was more than 30 minutes long, about two times his average video duration, and allowed him to explore a new storytelling style. The concept became his flagship series, garnering major viewership. The first video in the series hit one million views in one week. He followed it up with another video that hit one million views as well – check them out here and here.
Austin and his content manager were able to plan their entire video schedule for the remainder of 2023, greatly enhancing productivity and content quality. According to Austin, According to Austin, “This is the first time in the last five years of being a full-time Creator where I’ve been able to say, I am going to take off for the holidays, both Thanksgiving and Christmas, because I have time. Because I’m so far ahead. Because everything is planned."
Now, he’s excited about the positive response to the new storytelling style and looks forward to planning effectively for 2024. Thanks to Idea Generator, there’s a good chance he’ll multiply his AdSense revenue while still saving 5-10 hours per week.